Help Center

Welcome to AppointEase! This application is designed to make scheduling appointments easier and more convenient for users. By accessing or using our application, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:

How do I book an appointment?

To book an appointment, you can simply go to the main page, search for category/business, pick the business and then simply choose the service or package you want, click continue to pick your date and hour.

Can I reschedule or cancel an appointment?

You can reschedule and cancel an appointment, check your booking tab.

How do I pay for my appointment?

For the pilot and time being we offer only Cash payment which is face to face, later on Credit card payments will be added.

Can I see my appointment history?

You can check your history appointments in your booking tab.

Is my personal information secure?

Yes, all of your data is secured we take security and privacy seriously and we are usin encryption and other measures to protect your personal information. Be sure to read AppointEase privacy policy to understand how your information is being handled.

Can I leave a review or rating of the service?

No, this option isn’t available at this moment, however you can check their Instagram/Facebook pages or contact them on WhatsApp if they provided any of those options in their Business page.

How far in advance can I book an appointment?

You can schedule an appointment for the next three months, that’s the maximum date range available to schedule an appointment.

Can I see the availability of the service provider?

You can check what each business can provide, as well as you can see which worker can provide each service.

Can I receive reminders about my appointment?

You will receive a notification one day prior to your appointment at 8:00PM local time, as well as another notification three hours before the scheduled appointment.

Can I book appointments for multiple people?

You can book appointments as much as you can, for different categories.

powered byEaseTech
2023 - 2024


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